Bug reporting

If you’ve found a bug in one of my games and wish to report it, you can do so here. But before you report it, here are a few things to note.

Some things to note:

When reporting a bug, please add details to replicate the glitch. The more information the better. What were you doing? Does this happen often? Think of it as a police report.

The game’s version number is important. Be sure to include your version number when reporting a bug. If your version number isn’t the most recent, then it could be that! Most games have their version number in the options, but not all do. If you cannot find the version number please put N/A

If the game is crashing, then please provide your computer/device specifications. In testing, I found that weaker systems tend to crash at certain points.

Once you’ve read all that, you are good to go! Head over to this page and fill out the form!


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